
SquadCast App v5.0.4


SquadCast App v5.0.4

Introducing new hotfixes for the SquadCast Platform

Please read on for details of resolved and outstanding issues. Let us know (contact [email protected]) if you experience any of the following, and we can help make it right.


Hotfixes & Features

This is a list of hotfixes and new features available in this version

  • Warning Notifications, Labels, and Indicators whenever your Media Input Fails or Recording runs into a problem.
  • Fixed iOS Audio Chunks not properly uploading and improved iOS (iPad) Recording Stability.
  • Fixed Safari Video Duration not being a Proper Duration in QuickTime and Improved Safari Recording Stability.
  • Introduced a new Pilot Program Feature to allow users to Opt-in to Beta Features. Read More Here
  • Introduced A New Green Room Tour.
  • Fixed an issue with SavvyCal and Captivate scheduled Recording Sessions not properly scheduling in the App.
  • Fixed Edit Org page button should say β€œSave Changes”.
  • Fixed Restart Onboarding fixed incorrect UI callout.
  • Fixed Edit Org Page Dark Mode Improvements.
  • Fixed Recent Takes not showing up properly on smaller screen sizes.
  • Fixed Delete Session Dark Mode.
  • Fixed the ability to properly copy and highlight text throughout the app.
  • Added when adding a member or participant, tab will act as Enter keystroke.
  • Added Browser and Device Icons to Participant Side Panels to indicate what browser and device that specific participant is using.
  • Fixed when scheduling a new session, sometimes the share link will still have the previously logged or old session in as the redirect link.
  • Added Feedback left by Guests and Customers now arrive directly to Support Related Channels
  • Added Pilot Program Feedback left by Customers now arrive directly to Developer Related Channels.


Errors and Issues

This is a list of errors and Issues the support team and developer team is aware of and working to fix.

  • Recording on MacOS with Chrome is causing an Audio Delay and a Desync issue in the final Primary MP4 Recording. At this time it is recommend you do not use Chrome with MacOS to Record Primary Recordings. If you would still like to use Chrome with MacOS we recommend enabling Pilot Program to use a new Recording Engine. This issue effects Chrome and the Chrome Development Team is aware of the issue. This issue is not related to just SquadCast recordings. See Pilot Program Features below


Pilot Program Features

We are offering the following Features to test for this release.
To enable Pilot Program follow these steps

  • A New Way to Render MP4 Recordings from Chrome on all devices.
    • This new Recording Engine will aid with the issue reported in the above Errors and Issues callout. Please Note this new Recording Engine will NOT generate a .webm file for recordings. This is a temporary workaround.

Learn more at our Blog Post


Community Updates and New Demo Video!

Check out our new demo video showcasing all the new features in Studio and Backstage!